Renewed Patience: The Power of Positive Discipline with Your Strong-Willed Child

Transform Your Relationship with Your Strong-Willed Child Using the Power of Positive Discipline

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the daily challenges of parenting a strong-willed child?

Do you find yourself caught in a cycle of conflict and frustration, unsure of how to guide your child's spirited nature positively?

You're not alone, and there is a way forward.

The Promise:

This is more than just a course; it's a journey towards understanding, harmony, and connection. This is me sharing the tools that have been life savers for me.

I am a trained positive discipline parent educator and a parent of a strong willed child just like you, this course (that you can do in your own time) is designed to equip you with the tools, strategies, and mindset shifts necessary to embrace your child's willful nature while fostering an environment of respect and mutual growth.

Enroll Now


What You Will Learn:


Empathy-Driven Connection

Discover how to meet your child's emotional needs, building a foundation of trust and understanding bringing change.

Effective Communication

Learn the art of communicating with clarity and compassion, turning conflicts into opportunities for connection.

Positive Discipline Techniques

Master practical, positive discipline strategies that encourage cooperation without quashing your child's spirit.

Building True Resilience

Equip both yourself and your child with the resilience to navigate challenges with grace and confidence. 


What's Inside This Video Course


✔️ Workshop 1: Understanding Strong-Willed Children

Explore what makes a child strong-willed and the positive aspects of these traits. Explore common challenges and how they can be transformed into opportunities for growth and learning.

✔️ Workshop 2: Foundations of Positive Discipline

Introduction to positive discipline and its benefits over traditional discipline methods. How to view discipline as teaching rather than punishment.

✔️ Workshop 3: Core Positive Discipline Tools

 Powerful tools each covered in a separate lesson within this module, allowing for a deep dive into the practical application and benefits of each.

✔️ Workshop 4: Implementing Positive Discipline in Daily Life

Guidance on combining and fluidly using positive discipline tools in a variety of situations combined with tips for maintaining consistency in applying these tools and practicing patience.

✔️ Workshop 5: Overcoming Challenges

Addressing typical challenges you as parents may face when implementing positive discipline and strategies to overcome them.

✔️ Workshop 6: Building a Positive Family Environment

Techniques for fostering a home environment that encourages positive behavior and emotional growth. I also introduce the concept of regular family meetings for open communication and strengthening family bonds.

Yes Jade, Sign me up!

Plus these bonuses to help you on your journey to an easier time


Enroll in "Renewed Patience" Today and Start Your Journey Towards Positive Parenting

Don't let another day go by feeling powerless in your parenting journey. Join us in "Renewed Patience" and discover the fulfilling path of positive discipline. Enroll now and take the first step towards a more harmonious, loving relationship with your strong-willed child.


Your Guide on This Journey:

Facilitated by me, Jade Gooding, an Ibiza based mother to a strong willed now preteen, founder of No Mum Is An Island (over 35k followers) and a parenting guide whose life was changed for ever when I trained as a Positive Discipline parent educator. 

Through the daily application of Positive Discipline with my neurodivergent daughter the transformation in my life has been huge. From understanding her actions to knowing that I can be kind but firm with loving tools that make every day tasks so much easier. 

This is an invitation to arm yourself with incredible tools that work even in the toughest parenting challenges that will bring so much more ease into your relationship with your child. 

I deeply feel the level of understanding and connection that comes from using Positive Discipline is a gift to the whole family. 

Renewed Patience: The Power of Positive Discipline with Your Strong-Willed Child is for you if...


- You are looking for easy effective tools to help on your parenting journey

- You want to be a calmer mum 

- You want practical strategies that will work with your child

- You care deeply about your relationship with your child

- You are ready to embrace a new understanding of your child

- You no longer want to be the bad guy mum 

- You want something easy, digestible and that you can do around your children in your own time

- You want to have a toolkit that has been proven to transform relationships at a really affordable price

I am so ready for this!

I get it life is busy but it can be so much easier 

Laying these foundations now will support you to have a much easier parenting journey. 

The short amount of time it takes to complete this course will literally save you hundreds of hours of battles and conflict. 

Your future self will thank you for this course. 

Why choose to stay where you are when you can bring about such powerful change.